Obstacles Course & Nite Walk Route

The Obstacles

Clear the obstacles with your partner

Low Wall

Climb over the wall

Parallel Bar

Traverse from the start point to the end point

Low Beam

Jump over the beam

Monkey Bars

Swing across to the other end

High Beam

Maneuver over the beam

Swinging Bridge

Cross the bridge to other side

Tyre Hole

Go through the tyre to get to the other side

Tyre Path

Travel across the tyres

Milo Pond

Cross the small lake

Tyre Swing

Traverse across the swings to the other side

Tyre Tunnel

Crawl through the tyres to get to the other side


Was it easy to clear every obstacles?
Is there a difference doing it during the day and night?
What made it easier?
What does the obstacles mean in real life?
What have you learnt and gained from today’s adventure?